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Garrett Young

Comics- Magdalene!

Garrett Young

Garrett Young










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Broken Stairway in the Key of Fibonacci.

Joel Salcido, 2018.

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The Maze of Post-Late Capitalism.​

Joel Salcido, 2018.

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Susan Ngueyn

Unending Green

I am learning how to hold grief in my mouth. Something alive until it isn’t.

Like a field is a field until it isn’t, until it is just the color green.

Listen when I tell you how a field folds into a clover when I am on my hands,

how the memory of what I am looking for is not as important as the space it claims.

I don’t mean that grief can be unalive.

Or that I keep it loaded in that place between lower lip and teeth.

I mean I never walked the land where my father harvested seeds.

In his field, he waited for green to bend into gold.

It would start in the center: one spark spreading until every blade shivered with light.

He remembers. I imagine.

Both feel like grief.

I was born here, sinking into mud, and I mean to return.

On my hands, I am digging.

“An American Burial ii”: What is Buried is Not What Remains​.

Susan Nguyen, 2018.

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“Euphoria Ringed with Uncertainty”: (Another Word for Possibility, Danger).​

Susan Nguyen, 2018.

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“Where I Am Offering My Body / Where My Body is An Offering”: Happy to Be Here.

Susan Nguyen, 2018.

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