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Coco Spencer

Coco Spencer is a mixed-media Californian artist, predominately based in Oakland, CA, who regularly splits time between multiple cities and postal boxes. She is a huge believer in slow communication and does not own a smartphone for that reason. You can find her regularly posting on instagram, though @cocozpencer. A big believer in community and basketball. #BlackLivesMatter

Coco Spencer

What are 2-3 books (regardless of genre) that you’ve read over the last year or less that really blew your hair back?

Right now, I'm heavily invested in the Cheat Day dj sets in the Bay Area. I feel really inspired/captivated by many things. Blindspotting definitely made me cry, and I'm happy that Boots Riley made Sorry To Bother You a reality. Anything published by Irrelevant Press, Unity Press and Wolfman Books makes it to the top of my reading list.

Who is someone you admire who does work that you feel really benefits your community, and what kind of work is it that they do?

Anyone who operates programs/business in the Wolfman Books building has my love and respect forever and always. This includes Lower Grand Radio, Wolfman and the extended Wolf-fam, Unity, The Oatmeal, The Undertones, Irrelevant Press and anyone who has ever made eye contact with me while hanging out in the store. Such a brilliant space, hard to describe "who" (since there are so many key members of the community who make Wolfman a reality (but clealy, hi Justin Carder, thank you!) and also a bit tricky to describe "what," but if you're ever in Oakland, come through the space and see what I mean for yourself.

In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for?

E-mails - I hope. I can't wait until the day that e-mails are a thing of the past. I'm sure we'll invent another form of communication that replaces e-mails by then...

What role did art play in your parents’ lives, and in your life growing up?

My relationship with art/creativity is complex, but I love talking about this question in person. can i just have y'all publish my phone number and people can exchange stories with me via vocal chords? i love a good voice conversation. also, i love when people who see my work reach out to me, please do!

What’s the most ima,h_959,al_c,q_90/coco%20art%201.webpginative insult you have ever heard or have come up with?

Nothing is coming to mind, but I hope someone who reads this article e-mails me and gives me some really imaginative constructive feedback on my artwork.

Coco Spencer
Face It

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Things That are Yellow

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White Women Play Me on TV

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